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  1. Islam Questions & Answers  

  2. Messages of Islam 

  3. Al Azhr

  4. World of Al-E'ijaz 

  5. Ihab Al-Masri Page  

  6. Muhaddith

  7. Al-Huda

  8. Quraan 

  9. The Holy Qur'an  

  10. Holy Quran in 12 Languages 

  11. Hamo Islam.com 

  12. The Holy Qur'an 

  13. Sultan 

  14. Abu Nour Foundation 

  15. Islamic Students' Society Of McGill  

  16. Tajweed quraan- dar al maarifah 

  17. Islam land


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  1. Islamic organization

  2. THIS is Truth

  3. The Jannah

  4. Quraan & Islamic Sciences City

  5. Muslimah Network  

  6. Naseej Network 

  7. Al- Quran Al-Kareem  

  8. HUDA 

  9. IIslam voice 

  10. Arab and Muslim NetWork  Information 

  11. An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic  

  12. Dar-us-Salam Publications  

  13. The Glorious Qur'an  

  14. Quran on CD Rom  

  15. Khatoons  

  16. The Koran  

  17. Al-Qur'an Sound 


  19. The Quran  

  20. IIslam - USA 

  21. The Nation of Islam  

  22. Quran Transalation  

  23. Muslim's Organization  

  24. Quran Browser  

  25. Syria's Audio Quran  

  26. English Translation of Al-Quran  

  27. Quran in Spanish  

  28. Quran Recitation of Madina Munawarah  

  29. The Islamic Seminary

  30. Dallas Signal Processing

  31. Quran Hadith Audios 

  32. Beit Al Qur'an  

  33. Hamo's Page Qur'anic Recitation  

  34. The Sunnah Page  

  35. Islamic World  

  36. Al Qur'an was-Sunnah Society 

  37. Al-Quran Al-kareem Committee 

  38. How the Glorious Qur'aan Was Preserved 

  39. The Noble Quran 

  40. Search Quran by Word

  41. History of the Quran 

  42. Holy Qur'an Encyclopedia

  43. Qur'aanic code of Life 

  44.  How To Benefit From the Qur'aan 

  45. Search the Holy Qur'an

  46. Search The Quran 

  47. The Quran 

  48. Translation and Commentary of the Holy Qur-an 

  49. Ulum al Quran 

  50. Tafseer of the Salaf - by Ibn Taymiyyah 

  51. Warning From Abandoning  the Qur'aan

  52. How To Benefit From the Qur'aan 

  53. Excellent Qualities of Quran 

  54. The requirement for Tahara for reciting / touching the Quran

  55. The Excellence of the Followers of the Qur'an 

  56. The Veneration of the Mighty Qur'an 

  57. The Qur'anic Path

  58. With the Quran the hearts rejoice 

  59. About the Quran

  60. MSA-USC Qur'an Database 

  61. The Holy Quran: Word Search 

  62. The Quran And Modern Science 

  63. Topics Index of the Quran  

  64. Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an Main Page  

  65. Tajweed Starting Page

  66. Amazing Al Qur'an 

  67. Al-Quran Al-Kareem on CD-Rom 

  68. Multimedia Online Qur'an: Univ of Pittsburgh MSA 

  69. Quranic page at Clark University 

  70. Quran'ic Islam in Cyberspace 

  71. Quranic Sciences Academy Home 

  72. Qur'an and Sunnah Net Group 

  73. Scientific Facts in The Quran 

  74. Salman 

  75. Islamzine.Com 

  76. The holy books 

  77. Islam 

  78. Judicial Questions

  79. Al Islam 

  80. Holy Quran Translation in English Download

  81. Translations of Holy Quran in 19 language

  82. An introduction to the Holy Quran

  83. Topics Index of the Holy Quran

  84. Explanation (Tafseer) of the Holy Quran

  85. The Holy Quran and the modern science

  86. Miraculous Quran

  87. The Amazing Quran

  88. Holy Quran Resources on the Internet

  89. Holy Quran broadcasting from Riyadh  Programs List

  90. Holy Quran broadcasting from Abu Dhabi (UAE)

  91. Islamic Audio

  92. Islam Way Radio: More than 3000 Hours of Islamic audio

  93. Your guide to best Islamic audio !

  94. Another guide to free Islamic audios in Arabic and English !

  95. Almasjid Alnabawi Khutba translation in English, Urdo, and other languages

  96. Some Videos on Islam and different topics


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  1. The Risale-I Nur

  2. Nafahat

  3. Alresalah  

  4. Islamic meeting place

  5. Alkawthar Site

  6. Quran

  7. Resale I Nur 

  8. Welcome To Ramadan

  9. Complete Tajweed 

  10. Khayma Site 

  11. Holy Quran  

  12. Husary  

  13. Dar ul Quran 

  14. Daral Quran 

  15. Emarati Site 

  16. Quran School 

  17. Quran House  

  18. Tajweed Ul Quran 

  19. Al Huda 

  20. Inimitability in Quran


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 Quranic Recitations

  1. Real Audio Quranic Recitations

  2. Quranic Recitaion with Arabic script

  3. Recitation of Sura Fathiha by shikh Sudais

  4. Recitation Page

  5. The Holy Quran

  6. Islaam.Com Quranic Recitations

  7. Quranic recitation, Shaikh Khalil Hussary

  8. Rectitaion by Sudais and Shuraim Real Audio

  9. Islam Way English Page (Quran Recitation in Real Audio)

  10. Rules of Recitation


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Quran Translation 

  1. English Translation

  2. Quran in Japanese

  3. Quran In Chinese

  4. Quran in Turkish / Alternative

  5. Quran in Spanish

  6. Quran in Dutch

  7. Quran in Malaysian

  8. Quran in Swahili

  9. Quran in Thai

  10. Quran in Indonesian

  11. Quran in German

  12. Quran in French / Alternative

  13. Quran in Italian

  14. Quran in Urdu

  15. Quran in Albanian

  16. Translations of the Qur'an

  17. Search the Qur'an in English & Indonesian

  18. Download- trans. by Yusuf Ali and Pickthall


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  1. How Tafseer is Performed? by Ibn Taymeeyah

  2. Tafseer of az-Zalzalah (99):7-8

  3. In the Shade of the Quran by Sayyid Qutb

  4. Explanation of Surah al-Ikhlaas by Ibn Taymiyyah

  5. Tafseer by Ibn Taymeeyah of the Verse 35:32

  6. Explanation of the First Verse in Al-Hujuraat by Dr. Bilal Philips

  7. Adwaa al-Bayaan by Muhammad Al-Ameen

  8. Tafseer of the Verse "And hold fast to the Rope of Allaah"

  9. Tafseer Soorah al-`Asr Abridged from Tafseer ibn Katheer

  10. Tafseer Soorah al-Kaafiroon Abridged from Tafseer ibn Katheer

  11. Tafseer Soorah Al-Qadr

  12. Qur'an Tafseer Collection


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Quran In MP3 Format

  1. Quranic surahs in MP3 from Islamic Gateway

  2. The Holy Quran MP3

  3. Al-Quran MP3 (some surahs)

  4. Quran Downloads (MP3s) (some surahs)

  5. http://www.ummah.net/smartsystems/ full


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